Getting to Know the 3 Types of Inspections

When tackling the ginormous project of building a new home, it is gravely important that you take care to ensure everything is done properly and it is safe for move in day. This is when new home inspection comes in to play. There are three types of inspections that are commonly brought up when discussing a new home.
Pre-Drywall. This inspection is not as common but can be done. It is an inspection that takes place after the foundation is established, structural components are in place, plumbing and electric are installed, and windows and doors are in. This inspection’s goal is to ensure that the foundation of the house is stable and safe. Whether you choose to do it as a home inspector or not, is up to you! The inspection takes around an hour to an hour and a half and might be something that a homeowner is looking for. If many inspectors do not offer this in your area, it could be something that can set you apart from others.
Final Inspection. After the home is completely built, the final inspection should take place. This inspection is the most crucial to the safety of the homeowner. There are many things that could be missed if the only inspection done is the pre-drywall option. This is a standard home inspection and is what most home inspectors are already trained for. It is important to hold off on the inspection, however, until every single aspect of the house is complete. If you inspect to early, you could be missing something vital!
One-year Warranty Inspection. This inspection, contrary to its name, should be completed at the 11-month mark of the house’s completion. Many homeowners are offered a one-year warranty on the home to account for any possible defects or faulty work. Therefore, the inspection should be completed before this warranty is up. This inspection, again, is a basic home inspection. This is something that you might need to educate homeowners on. They might not be aware of the warranty or the timeline of when the inspection needs to be completed. One way to encourage them to use you again, would be to keep a calendar of when the homes you inspected for the final inspection will be coming up on that 11th month. Reach out to them at this point for a check in and emphasis the importance of the inspection.
Each inspection has its own purpose and importance. The thing to keep in mind as a home inspector is that the homeowner might not know all their options. It is helpful to keep the buyers educated on the process and retain customers between different types of inspections.